The short answer is yes. For the longer answer please contact us and ask us about our Helios Source Code Limited License Program. This is somewhat similar to the Unreal Enterprise Program which provides full source code access to the Unreal Engine.
Eligible vendors receive a branding kit for permitted use within their own promotional material. But more importantly, they receive a royalty free limited source code license enabling them to perform benchmarking, optimization, and integration within their own offerings. These could be for embedded use, enterprise systems, hosted services, or other use cases. This program is available internationally and applies to all eligible independent hardware vendors (IHVs), various resellers, and other firms.
There are several eligibility requirements that need to be met, including executing a licence agreement, an NDA, and a valid certificate of insurance.
Helios customers that intend to host on-premise will be provided with a specification sheet of your various relevant offerings, benchmarks, pricing, region of distribution, and point of contact to direct all customer related inquiries to.
We don’t take royalties from your offering that supports our customer’s use case. Our intention is to streamline the customer’s deployment as efficiently as possible to get them the hosting or hardware solution they need, wherever it is in the world that they operate.